Tag Archives: enfp

So this is hilarious and slightly ironic

11 Feb

I’ve been diagnosed with ADD (or ADHD-PI, I’m assuming).

Ha ha ha.

Maybe I should just keep my old posts then.

I guess I don’t have to change my blog title.


Good going teenage self, you’re funny.

I started this blog at 16, and now I’m 20, so we can see the difference then.

I’ve bought an ADHD planner (though the binding had sort of broken, but I’m too impatient to return). It’s really nice other than that. Maybe I’ll hot glue it down.

I want to hide these old embarrassing posts but if I keep it up it’d be cool too, just cause you can see how desperate I was back then. But then ajakfhkjsgh.

What makes this even funnier is that I’d first typed myself as an ENFP. This has all been very sudden and explains nearly everything weird about me. OHHH KNEW I WAS DIFFERENT WHICH MEANS SPECIAL WHICH MEANS I’M SPECIAL what, and the obsessive psychoanalyzing myself until now – I wasn’t even wrong, except with the wondering what the hell was wrong with my motivation. It was never a motivation problem, you don’t cry yourself to sleep at night wondering why you’re not motivated enough to get through a chapter of a subject you actually like and isn’t hard to understand, you know? It’s a focusing problem. So I’m 80% less depressed now. It was an amazing feeling. BUT MY GOD FINDING HELP, JESUS, TOOK ME A MONTH. I felt every rejection and roadbump like a knife. Bad enough I had to ask for it, bblehhh.

So all is good, well is life, on we go. I might add more to this later, lots of things.


9 Sep

Yup. I’m this.

Which also means Fi/Te, haha.


I went from INFP to INxP, to a bunch of other generic quiz crap I don’t remember, to INxP eternally, to INFP who tests INTP, to INFJ on PerC to ENxP to an ENFP who still tests INTP.

It’s been a great 10 years. No jk.

Interestingly, I have never been S.

And so, Extroverted Intuiton (Ne-Dom), Introverted Feeling (Fi-aux), Extroverted Thinking (Te-tert..), Introverted Sensing (Si-inf).


Is it extra or extro.

So I was an ENP kid who went with Fi. But it’s funny because I know what triggered the whole introverted auxilary function development. It’s great. I had a crush on a guy because he was always thinking and it was interested because he would be FIRE and then he’d stop somewhere and just lay down and think and it seemed like he could be putting on a show and I wondered what he could be thinking about. And now, Fi. I have a habit of trying to model the person I crush on or just really like and want to know, to understand them and to be more like them…because a lot of the time I admire them and I want to show them and myself that we’re similar. It’s weird.

Meanwhile, my dragon-bear sister might be ETJ with inferior Fi. I had been thinking she was ISJ but this makes much more sense. It makes sense though I think, though she doesn’t feel T or F, and she is okay with S more than N. I wonder if she’d agree more with ESP.

3 Sep

I’m Ne and not Ni OTL

So INFJ is impossible for me.

/tears /the struggle of finding yourself in MBTI hahaha

I feel like ENTP, but I can also be ENFP or INTP

Funny enough when I put this blog in this blog-mbti-analyzer thing, I got ENFP “The performer” quiet a lot.

And the TvTropes page for MBTI helped me understand a lot too.

I think I am P though….I wait too long for more and more data to come in, partly out of uncertainty. I can’t act without collecting all the data first usually…..with important things at least. Procrastinate – YOUR LIFE! >8D


I wonder if Roberto is an ITP or ISJ child. hummm. He’s so quiet too. I think maybe ISJ……? This part makes me laugh from the Portrait of the ISJ Child:

ISJs are very in tune with their bodies, and very aware of their bodily needs. They want regular sleep and meals, and will become unsettled quickly if they suffer in want of sleep or food. They will usually go to bed cheerfully without fussing. Parents of an ISJ should make sure that the ISJ can keep a consistent schedule for food and sleep.

why is that bold idk. I’m tired bye.

I like that Darcy/Elizabeth = INTJ/INFJ okay bye.