Tag Archives: wordpress

Robotic Rhetoric

7 Jul

Robotic Rhetoric

This is the most amazing blog xD I’m lucky enough to have it following me currently and as of today, and I cannot believe it exists. xD

It reminds me a lot of this person who I used to often talk to on facebook xD The way they talk and what they say. I’m still friends with him (and met him) on facebook (not common for me) through this crazy page/group thing. But he was a bit more ridiculous in how unrestrained and how he approached every topic (extraordinarily irreverently and absolutely shocking) but it’s part of the reason I had so much fun talking to him. Also because we spoke in these long-ass paragraphs, which is rare to find, especially when the topic is also exactly the sort of thing you find interesting. The only thing is that I wasn’t sure if I was weirder because some topics he mentioned I had already found old. Then again he might have found me a bit stiff or prudeish compared to him. If he had become my friend before I’d moved…xD Oh dear. Well, I wouldn’t be as intelligent I think. Not that I’m particularily so now….

Wait. No, back on topic, uggghhhh I swear I couldn’t find a more appropriate blog title xD BUT YES, this blog is hilarious go follow and read his stuff, it’s absolutely amazing.


Writing Styles, Blogs, Communicating in general I suppose

7 Jul

Whoops, I didn’t know that your own text in reblogged posts got all squished like that! Paragraphs are absolutely essential for my blog! Without them they’re just giant text walls of incoherancy! With – well, at least skimming is a bit more stomachable. Anyway, paste.
Dammit now I have to read this post, geez. I need to know where a person needs to breathe when reading this and that’s the only way. Yes, even I don’t even want to read. Okay this whole paragraph is just lame and not-clever self-depreciation, continue~~~♪

The new reader has this tag thing as a left-side bar and they were filled with every silly tag I’d made, so I got rid with a lot of them except the weirdest ones, and the ones I’m very interested in, or like (doodles). The reason for the former is that if I find other people using those tags, I’ll likely enjoy reading the rest of their blog, or find the visit peculiar but interesting. One of the tags is ‘brain juice’ – which I expected wouldn’t be an unpopular tag, you hear it around often enough, especially if you’re in the quirky fangirl sort of arena or maybe if you’re just, by definition (?), normal enough. And a lot of it was fashion posts, and the rest were things I liked, and blogs I ended up following. I followed like 19 today looking through “brain juice” and “doodles.” Good stuffffff mang

I saw two blogs that made me think. One was a person who wrote casually as if they were on tumblr and about their feelings, and I apparently visited at the wrong time because they mentioned they didn’t feel like they were blogging like they wanted to at the time because of things. That’s how I blogged a lot on tumblr, but it might have been because I didn’t see it as a ‘safe’ place to blog about whatever the hell I wanted, and that might just be because it’s so public and I didn’t have my own style there. So much…aesthetics….?? And reblogs, millions, billions, memes, I enjoy them but it didn’t encourage me to write. Here a lot of people have the same theme and the main point IS your writing. It’s what makes you follow and unfollow, not the style of the blog so much, though that can influence, you have to work harder to make that shine and it’s still within a template sort of. I’m surprised that I need that box or that structure so much. Just to write. This place also just feels more private. And I like that. I feel like this is more a place where introverts can thrive. Just personally.

Anyway, I also blog that casually and loosely, the way I am now, without being overly-concerned with the ease of reading for the reader, just expressing my thoughts fluently or at least linearly? I mainly try to accurately express myself, and make sure the words and phrases I use are also being used appropriately (when I do this (?) it usually means I’m lazy and unsure if that’s the right way to say or use a word or phrase. I’m not sure if I used ‘linearly’ appropriately there either but I’m currently too lazy to look it up, hence the question mark). It’s all flow-of-thought. But if I have an IDEA or a THOUGHT that I want to express, something that’s occurred to me that I want to describe, something more concrete and less in-the-moment, that I will edit mercilessly and strive for complete clarity.

And I think, I find both necessary, I guess, for my blogging experience. It’s less organized, but it’s organized enough. To splurge, to talk mindlessly, to say whatever is on my mind, and also to communicate, to express, to explain…. But that won’t get me much readers, hahaha. It won’t make this blog quality, I mean. Even if I don’t have readers, I’d like for this blog to be quality. But I think the only way that will happen is if I go out and DO things, to blog about.

The other blog I saw had such a clear voice and they were such a precise and clear communicator, that I wondered why I only even begin to approach that when I have something I feel is more important to say and that I have fully formed. As in, why can’t I write like that normally, nevermind speak? Maybe part of the reason a lot of what I say is vague and kind of garbage is because I haven’t fleshed it out yet, and I am using this as a stage to begin to organize and shape them, it’s train of thought because I use this to help myself…err, think? So this is partly actually therapeutic for me. Not just to express, but to breathe and organize my distracted thoughts. I suppose that’s why I use categories. My brain juice is usually more coherent in expression, if not in content. Maybe because it’s brain juice….and I know there’s no chance of something confusing being understood if I already speak in a confusing manner, and so I make an effort, like in real life…..50% of my ideas are confusing (for all the reasons) and the remaining 50% is that I don’t speak and communicate clearly. If the idea is simple, I won’t make an effort to speak clearly, because the idea is simple. So 50% chance of being understood. If the idea is a bit difficult to express already, I’ll make an effort, so the 50% is restored but the idea is complicated (maybe because it is illogical or too fanciful) and so we’re back to that original 50%.

… errr….yeah

I also noticed I have two styles of talking, and it pretty much is INFP vs INTP. So even in my writing…. When I’m enthusiastic I exaggerate, warm language, I’m ‘loud’ and social….I sound dumb too, I can tell, but friendly I think.
But when I’m communicating an idea or thought….it’s like two extremes. But even so, I feel like because I’m not rational or logical enough, however rational or organized I might sound, I am more likely INFP. After all, I had to develop that clear and rational writing style. Then again, I do have that N in the INTP, and I used to rely on heavy implication in order to discuss a point before I had more fully developed that direct approach. I can’t tell if it was a feeling or thought that I was expressing through implication though. It was kind of both….more like a thought since these are essays we’re talking about….that’s why I use idea in those circumstances. A thought is clear, an idea is vague and contains a thought but it’s more shrouded by feeling and stringy cloud fog stuff.

Okay I’m done now xD hahahha all this from a cheeky boot ad. Yup, still easily distracted. THIS ENTIRE POST IS MY LIIIIIIIFE.

Okay done editing this blog and such

7 Jul

I went over my schedule but it’s kind of OK because I cooked a bunch of food for breakfast (took two days or so) and my stepmom made a bunch of delicious lasagna and so no lunch or dinner to make, and I feel like they support me sleeping early and all that. Dishes yeah, but that’s it.*

I tried to update my brothers’ laptop last night because it’s been acting up in a bad way and apparently it’s a common thing with the inspiron so CHEAP BASTARDS and now it froze MID-UPDATE AND THAT IS BAD THAT IS REALLY BAD if I turn it off bad things will happen so it’s been on since last-night but they have warranty…..I hope they can exchange it.

*Yeah I know. hahahaha that is not following a schedule or taking advantage of the extra time you are lucky to have. I will make a powerpoint now for the drivers ed. And go outside! It looks warmer….

I think I’m kind of free today. Yaaay 🙂

edit: “I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit, I have fallen into the joy of writing them.Anne Rice” Geez. I hope there’s a wordpress for these quotes.

That Myers-Briggs thing – Two years later

7 Jul

I still fluctuate a lot from INTP to INFP, but more often it’s INFP I think.

Well, no, since I still think someone who switches that much, possibly depending on mood, would probably be INFP, I might just be….

Well….I don’t know how IN_P works, but those have been consistent. I could switch from Feeling to Thinking based on my mood, but shouldn’t at least Introverted and Extroverted switch just as much…? They vary in percentage but never in the final result. You could consider yourself social depending on your mood. Or maybe the answer choices for the questions given to determine F/T are a bit more prone to being influenced by emotions….

That sentence doesn’t make sense.

How are answer choices influenced by emotions?

It’s the people picking the answers.

How do I structure that so I can say when people pick the answers for those questions, they are more easily influenced by emotions, because the nature of the questions especially since it’s discussing whether you use feeling more…..if that even makes logical sense. Not loosely intuitive, just plain logical.

I wonder if I’m actually J not P. I talk and think like P, but…ah those weird cognitive…ones…in MB-tests. I don’t get how they work. Fucking magnets. I feel like I learn better with S too, but it could be…underdeveloped so I end up just relying on N….however that works, really.

edit: That new (since 2010) left sidebar confuses me but I love the quotes. WordPress loves it’s bloggers/readers ;_;
Anyway I wanted to put this quote here:

“I have made this letter longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter.” Blaise Pascal

Like how I made a twitter and hated the character limit, and then saw a tweet that said “Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Oh weird, she has the same last name as that legacy sim I tried before I lost the disc xD. ehhh how do I do strikethrough…xD hahaha